divendres, 5 d’agost del 2011

Missin' you

Today I miss you even more.
The songs bring me your laugh and I long, to be with you again.
Come and look at me.
Fix you dark eyes on me and listen carefully to my words: Many things are still to come, we are standing just at the beginning and you know that the best is yet to come.
Across the distance, beyond the oceans I call you by the name and I know you will hear me. I will wait, no matter how long if I can finally rest by your side.

I miss you, more than I could ever dare to think I could miss someone.

dissabte, 4 de juny del 2011

No one

No one will never understand what we felt
And no one will never understand what we still feel now
Because not even us do

We just feel
We try to find the words
And we fail.

dimecres, 4 de maig del 2011


I dress in your colour when I miss you,

well, maybe not always;
cuz if I did, I would always wear the same.

dilluns, 25 d’abril del 2011


Segueixo pensant que no és just
T'estimo, m'estimes
I què fem? De moment, tirar-ho tot per la borda....

dilluns, 14 de març del 2011

dijous, 27 de gener del 2011

En va

Deixa't caure,
en cercles.
Dona't, dona'm
aquell temps preciós en el que la incertesa impera

I busca'm
en un laberint de cares,
hombres, màscares.

Doncs sense saber qui ets,
et sento
i em perdo
veient passar les hores;
sense percebre-les,

I, en va, em pregunto
si realment són teves aquestes paraules;